Center for Taiwan Studies
comparative political economy, business-government relations, public governance, economic and financial history

Yi-wen Yu, an academic flaneur. In recent years, she wandered through Heidelberg University, Kyoto University, UC Berkeley, and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She also roamed through various disciplines: political science, economic sociology, economic and financial history as well as historical sociology. On her tortuous academic journey, a self-imposed question lingered in her mind — as a scholar, what is her and her research’s real contribution to the society?

The question remains. She is still actively exploring answers. For the moment, she has taken on the role of a knowledge broker, translating unreadable academic knowledge into accessible articles for magazines, newspaper, and websites. Let’s hope that, even under great pressure of career advancement, she can persevere and prevail in her quixotic quest!


Visiting Scholar, Center for Chinese Studies, University of California, Berkeley, March – Aug. 2011
Special Research Student, Graduate Program of Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Japan. Apr. 1st- June 30th 2009
Visiting Scholar, Graduate Programme for Transcultural Studies, Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context”, University of Heidelberg, Germany. Nov. 2008-Jan. 2009


Scholarship, Graduate Programme for Transcultural Studies (GPTS), Cluster of Excellence ”Asia andEurope in a Global Context” at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. 2008
Research Grant, Centre for Chinese Finance Research at Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing. Jan. 2008
Academia Sinica Fellowship for Doctoral Candidates in the Humanities and Social Science, July, 2006~ June, 2007
Outstanding Master Thesis Award, granted by National Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, 2002
Outstanding Master Thesis on Taiwan Studies scholarship, granted by Dr. Peng Ming-min Foundation, 2002


Yi-wen Yu, Corporate State or State Incorporated: The Modern State-Building in Netherlands, Britain, Japan and China《企業國家,國家企業:尼德蘭聯省共和國、英國、日本、中國之現代國家建構》, Chinese University Press, Hong Kong, (Revised & Resubmitted)
Yi-Wen Yu, “The China Inc.: The Business Group for Political, Economic and Social Networking”, paper for World Economic History Conference 2012, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 9-13 July 2012
Yi-Wen Yu, Billy K. L. So, Pearl M.C. Chih,”The Divergence of Business Modernization in Textbook Industry between Modern China and Meiji Japan: Cases Study of Commercial Press and Kinkōdō ”(中日教科書出版業現代化路徑的分殊:商務印書館與金港堂),in Searching for Modernity and Identity in Japan-China Cultural Flows in the Modern Period(從近現代日中文化交流看現代性及身份認同的探索),edited by Wu Wei-Min, forthcoming, HK: CUHK Press, 2013
Yi-Wen Yu, 2010 “Rethinking the Kirby Puzzle: A Reassessment of Chinese Company Evolution from the Public Finance Perspectives, 1860-1949” published inVol. 8 (2010) of the Journal Business and Economic History On-Line
Billy K. L. So, Pearl M.C. Chih and Yiwen Yu, 2010, “Modernity for Business or Business for Modernity: The Textbook Empires of Kinkōdō in Meiji Japan and Commercial Press in modern China”, paper presented at the 21st International Congress on Historical Science, Amsterdam, Aug 22-28, 2010.
Yu, Yi-Wen, 2010 “Rethinking Kirby Puzzle: A reassessment of Chinese company evolution from the public finance perspectives, 1860-1949”, paper presented at the Business History Conference 2010, Athens, GA, March 25-27, 2010.
Yu, Yi-Wen, 2009 “Corporate State or State Incorporated: the national/Capitalistic State-Building in Netherlands, Britain, China and Japan”, paper presented at the 2009 Economic History Association Annual Meeting, Tuscon, Arizona, September 11-13, 2009.
Yu, Yi-Wen, 2007 “Rethinking Kirby Puzzle: A Perspective on Historical Institutionalism”. 〈重省中國公司不舉之謎:一種歷史制度論的觀點〉paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Chinese Political Science Association, Kaohsiung, I-Shou University, Sep. 30th.
Yu, Yi-Wen, Wang, Guang-Xu 2007, “New Governance or New Clientelism? The Case of Local Governance Transition in Taiwan”, paper presented at The 27th International Congress of Administrative Sciences, Abu Dhabi.(July 11~13, 2007)
Yu, Yi-Wen 2005, “Roles, strategies and problems of government-owned shares in the privatized financial institutions,” 〈試析金融機構中的公股之角色、策略與問題〉paper presented at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Political Science Association, Taipei, December 10th
Yu, Yi-Wen 2004, ”The Taiwanese labor movement during democratic transition: The invalid ballot movement on 2004 presidential election,”〈民主轉化過程中的勞工運動~從2004總統大選「百萬廢票運動」談起〉paper presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Political Science Association, Kaohsiung, I-Shou University
Yu, Yi-Wen 2004, ”The transformation of political-economic structure, and the abnormal development on coast zones in Taiwan,”〈變遷的政經結構,變異的台灣海岸〉,paper presented at the 2nd LandResearch Conference, Taipei, National Chengchi University
Yu, Yi-Wen 2001, ”State, Capital and Civil Society: The Political-Economic Analysis of Coastal Zone Development in Taiwan”〈台灣海岸地區開發之政治經濟分析:國家、資本與民間社會之互動〉paper presented at the 3rd National political science graduate students conference, Taichung:Tunghai University
Yu, Yi-Wen, Hsu, Shin-Jung 2000, ”When community environmental movement meet the energy regime power: The anti-coal power plant movement in Wu Wei Gang community”〈能源政權下社區環保運動之探討:以宜蘭縣無尾港社區反蘇澳火力發電廠為例〉,Paper in Chinese presented at the 10th Cross-Strait Conference on Environment & Metropolitan , Dalian University of Technology.
Yu, Yi-Wen 1999, The political economic analysis of Taiwanese development policy on coastal zone: the case of Suao coal-fired Power Plant〈台灣海岸地區開發政策之政經分析:蘇澳火力發電廠建廠計畫〉,paper presented in Graduate Students Research Workshop, Taipei, National Changchi University
Yu, Yi-Wen 1999, Reflections on the trend of energy technology policy in Taiwan〈台灣能源科技趨勢的省思〉,paper presented in Cross-Strait Graduate Students Conference on the Humanity andTechnology, Taipei, Chinese Culture University.
Non Academic Publication
Yu Yi-Wen, “An Isolated Island in Capitalist World: Hong Kong's Portland Street”〈資產階級中的孤島—香港砵蘭街〉, China News World《全球中央》, March 2012, pp.93-97
Yu Yi-Wen, “People’s Republic of Berkeley”,〈搬進柏克萊共和國,你準備好了嗎?〉, China News World《全球中央》, Feb. 2012, pp.86-87
Yu Yi-Wen, “Hong Kong’s Night Mare: When the Outland Become the Mainland ”〈在地人,卻將成為「外人」?〉, The Journalist 《新新聞》,Issue 1303, Feb. 27, 2012, pp.62-63
Yu Yi-Wen, Swaying between Politics and History,〈擺盪於政治與歷史之間〉 China Times, A14, 2009/12/8
Yu Yi-Wen, Historical Misplaced: the Transformation of Taiwanese National Identity,〈歷史的錯位:是敵?是我?〉 China Times, A14, 2008/12/25
Yu Yi-Wen, Political CEO, 〈政府不能學CEO〉China Times, A11, 2008/10/12.
Yu Yi-Wen, Middle Class Investors as Pawns in the Chunghwa Telecom Privatization Game,〈中華電釋股,中產階級成棋子〉United Daily News, A15, 2005/8/3.
Yu Yi-Wen, ”A disclosure on the true face of local bureaucracy”,〈九品芝麻官現形記〉China Times, A15, 2005/6/26.
Yu Yi-Wen, ”A Campus or A garden for Visitors: Graduate Students Lack Research Offices”,〈花園?校園?浪人研究生〉United Daily News, A15,2005/6/25
Yu Yi-Wen,” A Parable for University Government”,〈校園政治寓言~革命叛亂的起源〉China Times, A15, 2005/4/13
Yu Yi-Wen, “People’s distrust in law of rule hurts more”,〈法治信仰崩盤,傷害更大〉China Times, A15,2005/3/8
Yu Yi-Wen, ”A meaningful “Invalid Ballot”〈我投出「有效」的廢票〉China Times, A15,2004/3/22
Yu, Yi-Wen, ”The intelligentsia, what are you waiting for? Rethinking the Role of the Intelligentsia in Taiwanese Society”〈知識份子,你在等什麼?〉,China Times, A15,2004/5/4
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